Chapter One Part Three

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She shook her head, "I'll never be as good as my sister. She saved our Clan." She looked up at the night sky. Two stars shone brightly beside each other, as if to agree with Dusktail. Dawnpaw, her apprentice, bounced up to her.
"Can we find a place for camp now?" he asked looking around with excitement. The place his eyes settled on was perfect for camp. A little further into the forest, a large group of trees formed a ragged circle around a space big enough for two Clans to live.
The fire was gone now. There were no traces of the acrid smoke or the burning flames, "The strongest warriors will come with me to check out the circle of trees. Whitefang, Brownfoot, Bumblefur, Willowfeather, and I are going to see if it's a good place for a camp. Everyone else should get some rest," she said before the cats she chose gathered together.
They went to explore the place when all the other cats were settled. She led all of the patrol into the beautiful, damp forest. They came along to an overgrown mass of ferns and bracken. The trees were just beyond. Brownfoot starred ahead, and whispered, "Stop, I scent fox!" Everyone stopped and scented the air, and sure enough, a strong scent of fox was coming from nearby. The ferns and bracken were too thick for the red and white predator to crawl through, so it most likely already spotted or scented them.
A long, red and white snout stuck out of a cave-like clump of brambles and tall grass. It sniffed, and its muzzle wrinkled into a snarl. It slowly stalked towered them, its teeth bared. A small mewing sound came from the fox's den. Great, thought Silverstripe, it has kits! A mother fox was a bad sign; she would protect them with her life. Silverstripe know they would have to attack. They couldn't let its kits grow up into blood-thirsty killers! The patrol apparently thought the same, for they crouched down as well. Silverstripe waved her tail, and they all lunged at it. Whitefang went for its neck, Brownfoot and Willowfeather tried getting on its back, and Silverstripe and Bumblefur went to rake their claws down its dark red pelt. The fox yelped and shook Whitefang of when he bit hard into her neck. She wriggled Brownfoot off, but she soon got hold of her tail. No matter how much she the fox bit her, Brownfoot wouldn't let go of her tail. While she was distracted with the young warrior, Silverstripe and Bumblefur lunged for her snout.
Silverstripe clawed her snout so hard; blood welled and stained the ferns. Bumblefur leaped higher than she did, but he still managed to scratch her long ears. Before reacting, the mother fox bit hard into Brownfoot's neck, making blood bubble from around her fangs. The warrior let go, yet the fox was still infuriated. She threw the she-cat into the distant undergrowth, still bleeding, and never coming back out again.
Silverstripe clawed its blazing eyes. Bumblefur scratched open her neck. The she-fox let out a painful bark, and ran into the darker side of the forest. Whitefang, Bumblefur, and Willowfeather chased after her, making sure she didn't head back to where the other cats waited or back to her den. Where was Brownfoot? "Brownfoot! Brownfoot!" she called. A weak moaning came from behind some long ferns. Silverstripe braced herself for the worst as she pushed her way to her.
There she lay, half unconscious on top of a pool of blood. "What happened?" whispered Silverstripe. Massive teeth marks buried deep into her neck. There were also long slashed marks from large, sharp claws covering her entire left flank. She couldn't reply; she just let out a painful wine. By this time, the cats that chased the fox off were back. They scented the blood, and came to help. Silverstripe turned to them, "Get the medicine cat! We won't let her die!"
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